Introducing The Psychotherapy Workshop
Introducing The Psychotherapy Workshop 150 150 Dr Paul Gibney
I am excited to let you know about a project I have been working on for quite a while.
The Psychotherapy Workshop is an online studio: an “ecology of ideas” that aims at providing a reflective practice forum for practitioners. Rigorous and comprehensive seminars are presented, with pre and post opportunities for practitioner reflections. The concepts examined and outlined have the capacity to strengthen, to deepen and to broaden your practice.
As always, my emphases on “everyday practice” and “putting therapy to work” are maintained in these forums. My promise is to provide quality continuing education opportunities to practitioners who do real work in regular therapy settings, with all of the fluctuations, ambivalences, loose ends and messiness that can occur in day to day practice, both publicly and privately. There are no pristine “one size fits all” slick protocols here. I believe such “shenanigans” as programmed, manualised formats actually deskill practitioners and paradoxically reduce their effectiveness. Clear thinking, bold concepts, contextualisation and reflection organise The Psychotherapy Workshop.
The website currently offers a workshop of 14 modules with extra Question and Answer modules. (Currently over 5 hours of seminar content). Two further workshop series will be available; one in April 2020 and a further one in August 2020. Workshops can be purchased as a standalone series (the workshop will be available to the practitioner for 12 months) or as a year-long membership which sees the practitioner having access continuously to all the seminars as they become available in their subscription year.
There are many other features to this website and this program. It is exciting. I will present material that I know and that I am sure will capture your imagination and lead to better outcomes for your clients and greater sustainability for you as a clinician.
So you are invited to watch the short introductory video and click the Find Out More link below to explore The Psychotherapy Workshop. I hope you might join me for the whole experience.
Best wishes,