Dr Paul Gibney


Balance ball image

Welcome to my website. It has been designed to give you a brief introduction to my services and practice. Should you have specific questions about therapy requests or requests regarding training or presentations, please feel free to seek further information by contacting me via the details listed.

Best wishes, Paul

My Latest Project

For many years in consultation with teachers, mentors, colleagues, clients and critical friends I have explored and taught about psychotherapy in everyday practice. The culmination of this is an online workshop - an ecology of ideas.

The Psychotherapy Workshop offers a deep exploration of the therapeutic domain that is steeped in everyday practice and is not about the pristine descriptions of therapy that occur in books and university lectures.

You will see and hear psychotherapy discussed in ways that you have never heard it discussed or considered before.

I invite you to be a part of this ongoing dialogue, or rather to bring your multiple dialogues into conversation with the ideas therein: an ongoing conversation – the very heart and soul of psychotherapy.

find out more

My Services

Key to door


Couple holding hands in therapy

Couples Therapy

Domestic argument image

Family Therapy

Dr Paul Gibney photo

Professional Supervision

Medical presenter showing case history

Complex Case Consultancy

Word cloud organizational culture

Organisation Consulting

group meeting image

Training & Teaching